Wednesday, October 27, 2010

If the world was without phootographs then everyone would not be able to see and expereince all of the greatnness that is in our world today. There would be no proof of anything that we saw and the worled would not be as interesting as it is today with photographs. Also photographers would not be able to have the best expereince taking photos and the world would be a bit boring. Friends and family would not be able to expereince memorsies. Photograph means a portrait of a memory.

Blog Prompt 3 4
I disagree because there are so much things you can do to recreate a photo and has to do with how the viewers look at it. Everyone has different oppinons. Photographs reveail a story I totally agree. They capture the memories and help give a background or some sort of proof to the viewer.

Blog 567
The quote Mary Ellen Mark is very true. You are capturing a photo/memorie of someone and it can be very special to them. Also it is true that you are capturing a part of there soul so it would be interesting on how you are capturing them and what there opnion on the photo of then taken.

Its appropriate when you have there permision especially if you think it would be inappropriate to take it. It would be inappropriate if you didnt have there permission or of the image taken is copyrighted

you see a lot of photographic portrits in the stores and magazines espcecially when advertsing. The portatits that you see in the news and on facebook can give the viewer a judgement of that person but it all depends on there judgment. The difference with it being on the new and on Face book is facebook would not have as many portraits that being professional and seroius.

To me that means that the photographs are in his creative mind and it gives an explanation of who he is and what type of photograher he is while the person in the picture that is them in the picture listening to how he wants them in the photo.

You are the creator of the photograh that you take. You are the artist not just taking pictures and theres nothing creative about it that you did to it.

Photographs are memories that we choose to take. It reminds us again of that moment and time for us to think about what happend in the past.

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I have a memory of my old house. I always have dreams about that old house and this would be a great photo of it from my dream. My family is in the picture and its always sunny outside and nice out. We are inside my mom in the kitchen me and my sister watching televsion playing and my father doing some sort of construction work wether inside or outside of the house.

I remeber the most of when I was lillte I had my birthday at the park where the zoo was at. I always go through my pictures and that is the picture from my birthday I always seem to remeber.

Humans have a lot of interaction with nature. Nature reminds me of humans in how they need nutrients and food as well to grow and the things nature do in otder to survive and to keep humans alove. I would take a picture of the river because the river/ocean has done so much for humans, Travel, everyday things to survice, electricity, bathing etc. I would make a nice peaceful photo of the river to show how calm it is even though it has done a lot for humans and animals. I might incorporate people bathing, sailing or drinking the water to show how we use the river a lot.

places that have been touced little by humans would be volcanoes,. You could photograph them in the distant and then photoshop someone close to the valcanoe.
 I would us slow shitter speed on airplanes or birds because they move very quickly in the air and it can be very hard trying to capture a nice view od them.

Show a Change in Time
Yes you can show a change in tiem in your images in ways other then physically moving objects in the scene. You can show a change in time by recreating a moment where there was a change in time.

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