Monday, November 8, 2010

Critiqu 2: For my evalution the audience suggest that the actual picture that was printed was to be brightend and less dark. The picture of all of the jewelery and the girl suggested it to be a series or a series of an advertisment. The audience suggest that the picture could be in a magazine selling a necklace. In the actual picture the audience suggest that I the picture should show more detail of the heart and the metal surrounding the heart.

Critique 2: The audience suggest that the actual picture was too dark and that it should be lighted up more.The pearsl should be less bright around in the dark areas. The audence also sugested that there should be text in the bottom right hand corner to fo along with the series of advertising jewlery. The audience suggest that the picture could be in a jewlery store poster, brochure, pamplet and magazine.

Critique 2:The auduenced suggested that the actual picture was not so darked and that the pearls are very soft in the picture. It is really hard to see the texting in the word pearls as well the words should be tested in white. The logo in the bottom right hand corner looked very nice not being there like the original our; The audience suggested that the picture can be take for a magazine or for a book for jelewlers in there store.

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